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Is Feeling Alive Again! :D Lift me UP to the Highest Degree of Succesions O Allah

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Welcome 20 !!

2nd November just over :) i'd like to thank everyone for fascinating wishes made for me...
My dearest friends from school days, law-mates in kuantan and also to my brand new friends in masscomm :) Thanx for big support guys!
My mom, daddy and brothers, thanx for sweet wishes :) it somehow enhance more for my happiness and strengthen me up to go on through my life. Moreover, it's final exam week now...! ^_^
And lastly for my love, i thank you for having your faith in me and keep on supporting me when i was down :') you MADE MY DAY dear! thx so much...

Happy Birthday Aiman Sabri!! :D I am 20 today!

I praised Allah for giving me my 20th life year by year... Alhamdulillah... Please guide me to Your path O' Allah... please bless everyone who cares for me and all Muslims in the whole world! Guide us all to You !

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Terasa Pendek Sem Satu ni T_T"

28/10/2010, pukul 1 suku pagi...

Terasa lapar sebab penat study untuk paper jap lagi... kol 9 pagi nih... whoopppss!!

Final exam is HERE!

Dari awal kemasukan dalam bulan 7 sampai awal bulan 11 ni tempoh pengajian semester satu kitorang student MC223S1A which refers to Broadcasting student.

Classmates and friends have been great so far... kalu mcm anjing ngn kucing tu adat lah dalam pergaulan kan ?? :) but aku suggest, buang yang keruh n amik yg jernih. ^_^

Inilah kitorang broadcast part 1 time lepas dinner baru2 ni :D

Terlintas nk update ni sebab da tibe mase exam kn. So guys, classmates.. wish us all best of lucks and hope to get best results !!

Teman seperjuangan, Harith, Syah, Bad, Amer Kesuma Bayang, FaizJoe, Fifiey, Amirah Hashim, Des, Israr, Bro Zami, and semua, korang gempak lah weh!

Well i actually learned lotsofnew things with u guys.

We'll meet again in part 2 lak k!


Friday, July 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Mama!!!

Kesilapan ku di pagi hari apabila terlalu sebok utk menyiapkan diri kononnye ade program pada hari sabtu mcm ni! huhh! last2 cancel! dah le sebok sgt..abeh terlupe ari ni besday mama :(( mujur teringat trus bile terkenang family balik batu pahat (my kampong).
Ari tu waktu balik umah jap, mama kate nk balik kmapong on this coming 23rd of July..aku pon tros teringat kt kepale bday mama is on the next day... tp igt tu smggu awal lah plak..bile mggu ni bz dgn mcm2 hal...abeh sume aku lupo! haihhh!! susah gak hidup jauh ngn family...(jauh lah sangat - ayat tak bley bla - kate syah classmate ku) haha! So dgn x semena2nye aku teringat time tgh sarap ngn geng n, tibe2 terkenang family tgh bercuti kt kampong..tetibe lah plak teringat kes yg teringat smggu awal tuh..hoh melatah dah aku pastu !
Xpelaa... at least aku igt jgk on the day on the spot! hahah! to Mama... I wish you lots of HAPPINESS and your life will full with miracles things which Allah may give to you mom ^_^ (ayat aku dah tunggang terbalik sbb kat cc, nk cepat..kalu x duit abeh!!) So just to make it short mama... Happy Birthday To Mama... I and my lil brothers with Abah sangat sayang mama! semoga Allah merahamati dan memberkati hidup mama dunia akhirat dan panjang umur, murah rezeki serta diberikan kesihatan yg berpanjangan... we love you mama! -Aimanz

Friday, June 4, 2010

sepupu' wedding :)

salam, eloo blog :) ryte now sgt2 buhsan berada di rantau org..cehh..pdhal kt sarawak jer nih. just for few days. Bile terase bosan, ape lagi... mintak lappy spupu n tros on9.. da xde keje laen dah...

So da alang2 leh ar cter2 cket kesah2 selama satu hari kt cni setakat ni ( jam ) everyone here seems nice...cume tah la..feels like bnyk yg kurang. mungkin sbb x ramai sepupu rapat ade kot.. :( yg ade adek2 spupu kecik2... sepupu yg sarawak sume bz wat persiapan.. maklom arr... org nk kawen..aku gak dok melangok tak tau nk nolong ape (malas actually)

Semalam sampai jek kt airport kt Kuching menunggu org amik.. planning dorg lari katenye..so kitorg agak mcm terkandas lah kt airport :( sgt sedih dilayan mcm tu. aku rase sbg tetamu n sepupu yg sgt dekat deserve to get accommodation yg sgt baik..but it's ok lah dorg mgkin kelam kelibut wat persiapan... hope majlis nti everything's will be just fine. Dari bandar Kuching nk ke rumah Paklong makan mase sejam 40 mnit :( penat lg dok dlm kete... mmg dugaan dah tibe ouh dari kt LCCT lg.. mengonnngg!!! LCCT tu pon satu hal lg..nyampah aku.. :[

Ape pon sume tuh da lepas... aku smpai ngn adek aku si Aizat tuh kt rumah Paklong dlm maghrib..skali ngn family lah..haiisshh! but the best part is... rupenye majlis wedding nti ade peluang nk KAROKE!! heheh! gian giler nk karok..! sampai jek tgk set DJ n karoke da siap..padehal majlis nikah ari ni, (ptg after asar) n majlis wedding tu esok (ahad 9 pg) fuhh..! set da siap, artis pon sampai...ape lagi?? aku wat la SOUND - CHECK! lol... karoke lah pe lagi! haha!

mmg terbaek! ok lah..rasenye itu2 je la setakat ni nk update blog... sbb trase kurang sehat after karoke sampai lewat malam :((

GTG now... thx reading... :)) assalamualaikum

Monday, May 31, 2010

Dear Allah, Bless them for always stayed by Your side. Allahuakbar!

I am overly crushed by the breaking news today where the israel regime had made a all of us KIND - HEARTED PEOPLE felt lots of hatred in hearts towards them! We have all already knew they have been over-using their powers...

By giving lame excuses,they attacked those peoples who was kindly was to give help towards people from gaza due to sharp objects on board.

If we take few moment to think, how can this kind people who actually brings help to the need ones are going for a war with sharp objects while all the army from israel are then using weapons that explodes!!??

Let's pray that Allah might give bless to the victims and let all the unhearted people like the israelians feel as much or more worst as what they have done to suffer us all... right now, we're also suffering from our heart bcoz we don't dare to see unflawless people being the victims...

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Honey, I'm Home =D

Yuhuu.. :)
First n foremost, I'd like to say Hello to my very own blog, 'AimanZ'. So sorry i haven't give my time for u..huhu... was so lazy to keep blogging past few months i must say ;(
Today, I'm back! LOL :D

I'm just doing fine, thx for asking ^_^

To all friends here, I haven't had much ideas to share before... I hope starts from today, I would keep on active again... Just need to fit some ideas here... :)

Right, that's all for this moment...

I'll be back soon ^_^

See yaa...

Monday, February 1, 2010

~ ILhAm Di PeTanG sEnJA ~

~ saat2 macam ni ~ mood tak menentu ~ entah kenape ~
nak jadi gila aku dibuatnya ~ setelah seharian mengenangkan nasib melanda~
Ya Tuhan, bimbinglah hati lemah ini ~ menuju ke puncak gading ~
yang bukan semate2 utk dunia ~ malah ke jalan Mu ya Tuhan ~

(mood - merapu)

anyway... waktu ni dlm pukul 4.25 ptg ari ni aku dok laa dengaq bunyik pelik2... WoooOooo.....WoooooOOoooo.... berulang2...
Bilik aku nih plak duk kt tgkat paling atas kolej... aku pi la bukak tingkap sat nk tgk suasane di luar sane...

Ooohhh ~ rupenye bunyik2 yg bermain difikiran aku td adelah 'sound' dari angin...
MasyaAllah kuat jgk bunyiknye..huhu... bingkas aku bukak tingkap bilik seluas2 yg boleh...

Aku teriak ~ Ohh Angin, mai laa masuk bilik aku neh... baguih sangat dah hang mai aku dok panas jek kt dlm bilik nih..(mmg lah dah dari td x bukak tingkap) haha...

So... tgh syok ja aku layan angin... tibe2 aku terdapat/tercetus satu ilham lagi utk compose satu lagi lagu baru... fuhhh... mesti gempak lah... (x buat lagi dah gempak)
lirik pon dah ade dlm tgn dan aku pon mulelah ~ Laaalaalalalala ~

Semoga lagu yg tercetus sebentar td mampu bersaing dgn lagu2 yg mantap2 di persada seni muzik tanah air ~ wahhhh! tnggi angan2 ku ini...

My Inspiration was ~ Bazli UNIC, Hafiz Hamidun, Faizal Tahir dan Zaheer Hrmonity
diz is my gratitudes to u guys, wait for the song...

Jazakallahu khairan ^_^